Welcome to StickMaker!

Let us show you a little bit about how to use it! To go to the next step, click the "Next Step" link in the bottom right corner of the prompt. or hit the right arrow key. If you want to go back a step at any point, hit the left arrow key.

...or if you would like, you can skip the tutorial.

Choose a stick!

Click on the Stick Type dropdown menu and then click any stick in that dropdown. If you already have the stick you want and you just want the dropdown menu to go away, you can click the already-selected Stick at the top to collapse the menu.

Add your Artwork!

Or most likely, somebody else's artwork! Copy and paste any valid image URL and click the Submit button. If you don't have the image you'd like to use online, you can use a site like Imgur or Photobucket for free hosting!

Next Step

Adjust your Artwork!

Use the Art Size slider to adjust the size of your artwork. The top Art Position slider (with left and right arrows next to it) move the image left and right, and the bottom Art Position slider moves the image up and down. Click the Background Options dropdown to adjust how the artwork tiles and the background color for the stick, which is useful if you don't want your image to tile.

Next Step

Screenshot and Share!

Press the PrtScn button! Use the Snipping Tool! Press Command+Shift+3!

Sorry there isn't a way to save a screenshot directly from StickMaker. My attempts at implementing that haven't produced screenshots of an acceptable quality, but it is still a feature that can be considered under development. In the meantime, you're going to have to do it the old fashioned way.

Save a Copy to your Desktop

How to use Stickmaker:

1) Select the model of stick you want to make under the "Stick Type" menu in the control bar at the top.
2) Add custom art using the "URL for stick art" input panel in the upper right, click "Submit" after you've entered the URL of your image.
3) Adjust Art Size, Position, and Background/Tiling options using the sliders and Background Options menu.
4) Click the buttons and joystick to customize the color of each element using the context menus.
5) Take a screenshot and share!


Q: The Art Position Sliders don't work!!!
A: They don't work in Firefox, sorry. Use a different browser for this until Firefox adds the background CSS that I need. Or tell me how to make it work if you know because I do not.

Q: I made the stick...now what?
A: Take a screenshot using the PrtScn, Snipping Tool for Windows or Cmd+Shift+4 for Mac and share it on message boards or Twitter or wherever! Unfortunately results were pretty terrible when I tried to add in a button that would save a picture of it to your desktop (although if you know how, please tell me - I still really want to add this feature)

Q: "_____ doesn't work!" or "Why don't you ____?"
A: Tweet me your problem @e_kubli or email me at: erickubli (at) gmail (dot) com - I want to make this work the best I can for as many people as possible! I'd love to fix any problems or hear your suggestions.

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